Ensure Order Accuracy & Efficiency with OneHub KDS

No more chaos and manual mishaps. Don't let the rush overwhelm your kitchen! ensure a flawless workflow that adapts to your restaurant's needs while efficiently connecting your FOH to the kitchen. OneHub KDS streamlines your order management process, eliminating errors and boosting efficiency.
Explore Our KDS
Replace KoT printers and seamlessly sync orders from your POS, Online store to the kitchen, ensuring precision and accuracy with every tap.
Get real-time order updates. Manage orders efficiently, tackle rush hours, and delight customers with prompt service.
Prioritize orders based on factors like cook times, order types, or table numbers. Transform chaos into cohesion.

Order Accuracy and Efficiency

OneHub KDS streamlines communication between front-of-house staff and kitchen teams ensuring accurate orders are shared instantly, reducing errors caused by manual order entry. No more KoT printers and messy management of orders.

Customization and Prioritization

OneHub KDS systems can be customized to prioritize orders based on various factors such as cooking time, order type, or table number, ensuring a smooth workflow. All orders will be color-coded to help you kitchen staff understand what orders are running late.

Real-Time Order Management

KDS allows restaurants to manage orders in real time, update menus and combos instantly across stores. Integrate to all your apps including POS, Online store, Kiosks to streamline order processing.

Improved Kitchen Workflow

By displaying orders in a clear and organized manner, KDS helps kitchen staff manage the flow of orders efficiently, reducing bottlenecks during peak hours.

Enhanced Customer Experience

With faster and more accurate order fulfillment, customers experience shorter wait times and receive their meals promptly, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

Integration with POS and Other Systems

Seamless integration between KDS and POS systems, along with other restaurant management software, ensures a cohesive and efficient operation.

KDS software with extensive features

One-stop solution for customizing and managing your restaurants.

Order Routing

Real-Time Updates

Customizable Prioritization

Integration Capabilities

User-Friendly Interface

Alerts and Notifications

Performance Analytics

Multiple Display Options


Security and Access Control

Reports & analytics

24/7 reliable customer support

Hardware options

Hardware Solutions to Choose From

One time buy, starting at $950. Select from our list of compatible devices, to not only reduce costs on hardware purchases but also simplify shipping and installation. Let OneHubPOS handle the logistics – we'll drop-ship your complete solution right to your doorstep.



Self-ordering Kiosks

Discover hardware options

Cutting Wait Time and Labor Expenses with OneHub KDS solution

Manage and fulfill orders from any location with our all-in-one solution.
Streamline communication between FOH staff and kitchen staff, minimizing errors and optimizing operational process.
Oversee your orders in real time, update menus instantly across all stores.
Prioritize orders based on urgency to ensuring timely service.

Get started today!