QSR restaurants

How to Set Up an Online Ordering System for Restaurants

Diksha Adhikari
March 1, 2024
1 mins

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Online delivery sales reached new heights when many people sheltered in their homes early in the coronavirus pandemic. This surge became a game-changer for the restaurant industry. Right now, restaurants are capitalizing on this growth by diversifying their approach. Many are venturing into exclusive delivery services, and others are opting for ghost kitchens dedicated to fulfilling online orders. 

In this blog, we have compiled a 6-step checklist to launch your restaurant's online ordering system without breaking the bank.

How to Get Your Restaurant Online?

Taking your restaurant digital opens doors to a broader audience and boosts sales. 

  1. Begin with establishing a robust website and integrating a customer-friendly online ordering feature. You can develop an e-commerce-enabled website or partner with third-party food delivery platforms. Each option offers different benefits regarding cost, control, and customer reach. 

  1. Choose a web hosting provider that aligns with your financial and functional requirements for a website. Your website should mirror the unique vibe and offerings of your restaurant. 
  1. Ensure the site is optimized for mobile devices, as many orders come from smartphones.
  1. Incorporate an efficient online ordering system that is straightforward for you and your customers. This system must reliably manage menu adjustments, order processing, and secure payments. If you don't know how to create online ordering for a restaurant, we'll cover it in a while.  
  1. Adding appealing images of your menu items will also attract more customers. 
  1. Leverage social media for marketing. Set up accounts on popular platforms to post updates, promotions, and engaging content. These platforms are great for entertaining your community and strengthening customer relationships.
  1. Adopt local SEO practices to boost your visibility in search engine results for nearby diners. Incorporate keywords related to your food, location, and offerings in your site's content and meta descriptions.

If your restaurant is already online, you must focus on integration with a robust online ordering system and effective management. You can turn your simple online presence into a revenue channel with the right approach. 

Setting Up Online Ordering for Restaurants for Free: Checklist

Though setting up an online ordering system might appear challenging, it's definitely within reach and affordable with the correct strategy. The initial step is to choose from two options. First, you can choose first-part delivery systems like OneHub delivery or a third-party delivery service—like Postmates, GrubHub, or Uber Eats. 

Anything you select, this checklist will guide you through launching your online ordering without cost. 

1. Create Your Restaurant Profile 

Creating your restaurant profile on the delivery app is the first step in setting up online ordering. Keep your focus on making a solid first impression. Your profile must be potent enough to create a lasting impression. 

Include high-quality images of your dishes, your team, and your dining space to give customers a taste of what to expect. Your profile should highlight what makes your restaurant unique. 

  • Do you offer unique dishes? 
  • Is your cuisine tied to a particular region or culinary tradition?

Make it clear. This detail helps you connect with your customers on a personal level. Here are some practical tips to create an impactful restaurant profile:

  • Use high-quality, appealing photos of your dishes and restaurant.
  • Highlight unique selling points, like special ingredients or signature dishes.
  • Include customer testimonials or positive reviews.
  • Use engaging, concise descriptions for dishes and services.

2. Choose Pickup & Delivery Options

Choosing pickup and delivery options is essential for customer convenience. Ask yourself, what works best for your operation and your customers? If you have the capacity, offering both can cover more ground. 

For pickup, ensure the process is smooth. Think about designated parking spots or a separate counter for online orders. Decide if you'll use your staff or partner with third-party services for delivery. Each option has its pros and cons. Using your team keeps the customer experience in your hands, but partnering with delivery services expands your reach. 

Whichever you choose, clear communication is critical. Set realistic wait times and keep customers updated on their order status. Use these tips to optimize pickup and delivery options:

  • Offer real-time tracking for orders to enhance customer trust.
  • Implement contactless delivery and pickup to ensure safety.
  • Communicate wait times to manage customer expectations.
  • Use dedicated pickup zones for efficiency and convenience.

3. Generate Your Restaurant Menu

When creating your restaurant's online or QR code menu, focus on making it irresistible to your customers rather than simply listing the dishes. 

Start with clear, concise descriptions. Each dish should tempt the customer to try it. Include high-quality images whenever possible. People eat with their eyes first, and a great photo can turn a maybe into a definite yes.

Price each item accurately and ensure the menu reflects your current offerings. Organize your menu into sections like appetizers, mains, desserts, and drinks. This makes it easier for customers to browse and decide.

4. Add the Online Ordering Button 

Adding an online ordering button to your website or social media page invites your digital audience to engage with your services. This button should be front and center. You want it to catch the eye of anyone visiting your page. The easier it is to find, the faster your customers can start ordering.

The process should be straightforward. Customers click the button, choose their items, and checkout without hiccups. Make sure this button links directly to your menu and ordering system. Test it regularly to ensure it's working smoothly. A broken link means lost orders. Lastly, utilize the features of social media platforms to add direct ordering links.

5. Use the Order-Taking Platform 

Choosing the right order-taking platform is like picking the best ingredients for your dishes. It needs to fit your restaurant's unique flavor. Look for these features:

  • A good platform is user-friendly for both your team and your customers. 
  • Check for integration capabilities with your current POS and other systems.
  • Compare costs, including setup, monthly fees, and transaction charges.
  • Look for customization options to match your brand and menu. 
  • Investigate customer experience features, like tracking and real-time notifications.
  • Research user reviews and feedback for real-world insights.

When you get the order process right, your customers will notice. And they'll thank you with repeat business.

6. Start Taking Orders

Now, start accepting orders and deliver a stellar experience with each one. For this:

  • Ensure your staff is trained on the new system. They should know how to process orders, update order statuses, and handle customer queries efficiently.
  • Promote your online ordering service. Use every channel you have—social media, your website, even signage in your restaurant. 
  • Offer special discount codes on first orders to encourage more orders. 

Last but not least, keep improving based on feedback and performance. 

Wrapping Up

Now that you have the detailed checklist, getting your restaurant online is just a few clicks away. Remember, the simpler your order-taking process, the higher your order value and the more the repeat orders. People value user-friendliness, and easy ordering entices them to order more from your restaurant. 

OneHubPOS can help you step up the ladder. Our all-in-one POS and kiosk software solutions make order processing, payment security, and daily operations management effortless. Book a demo today to learn more about our solution!

Can Back-of-House Staff Be Included in Tip Pools?

Federal law allows including only employees who customarily and regularly receive tips.  This typically excludes back-of-house staff like cooks and dishwashers. However, some states might have different regulations.

How Are Tips Handled at the End of a Business Day?

Tips are typically collected throughout the day and pooled at the end of the shift. The pool is then distributed among eligible employees based on the chosen method.

What Is a Tip Credit?

In some states with allowed tip credits, employers can take a portion of the minimum wage based on tips received by employees. This essentially allows employers to pay tipped employees a lower base wage.

What Are the Potential Downsides of Tip Pooling?
  • Some high performers might feel discouraged if their share is similar to lower-performing colleagues.
  • It requires clear communication and record-keeping to avoid confusion or resentment.
What Are the Consequences of Non-Compliance with Tip Pooling Rules?

Non-compliance can lead to fines and penalties from the Department of Labor, wage-and-hour lawsuits from employees, and employee morale issues.

What Distinguishes Tip Pooling from Tip Sharing?

Tip sharing is voluntary. An employee might choose to share some of their own tips with colleagues. Tip pooling is a mandatory system where all tips are collected and then distributed among eligible employees based on a predetermined method.

Can Managers Join in Tip Pooling?

No, managers and supervisors cannot participate in the tip pool.

What Are the Standard Restaurant Tip Percentages by Role?

There are no standard percentages by law. However, 15-20% is a common tipping range for good service in the USA. Tip pooling eliminates the need for individual tip calculations.

Is Tip Pooling a Good Idea for Small Restaurants?

Tip pooling can be beneficial for restaurants of all sizes. It can foster teamwork, ensure everyone benefits from good service, and simplify tip distribution.

Is Tip Pooling Legal?

Yes, tip pooling is legal under federal law (FLSA) with some key restrictions. However, some states might have additional regulations. Always check your state's Department of Labor website to ensure compliance.

How do I figure out how much to charge for food?

Pricing is a balancing act! You need to cover your costs (including the food cost per portion) while offering a price point that feels valuable to your customers. Consider factors like competition, target audience, and the overall dining experience you create.

What tools are available for tracking food costs?

Food cost calculators are great for initial estimates, but consider restaurant management software for ongoing success. This software tracks inventory, automates cost calculations, and generates reports to identify cost-saving opportunities.

Can I use a food cost calculator for different types of cuisine?

Absolutely! Many online food cost calculators can handle various cuisines. Look for tools that consider ingredient types, portion sizes, and even regional pricing variations.

How often should I calculate food cost percentage?

Consider your food cost percentage your restaurant's financial fitness tracker. It's the total cost of recipe ingredients divided by your total menu sales. Ideally, calculate this regularly, like weekly or bi-weekly, to monitor profitability and adjust pricing or portions as needed.

What is the standard costing model?

The standard costing model is like a recipe for consistent pricing. It uses historical data and market trends to predict ingredient costs, allowing you to budget, purchase, and maintain profit margins even when prices fluctuate.

What is food cost per portion?

Food cost per portion is the actual cost of creating a single serving of a dish. It considers all ingredients, including spices, garnishes, and even waste!  This number helps you understand your profitability and set menu prices effectively.

Diksha Adhikari
Content Marketer - OneHubPOS

Diksha, a seasoned content marketer, brings hands-on experience in website management, social media marketing, and branding. Her expertise drives efffective and results-driven digital strategies.

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